Tournament Sheets

Player Score Keeping

This is a basic sheet for players to tally their points during tournament matches. The tournament organizer would then collect the sheets at the end of each round and enter these points into Score (or another tournament software).

Click this link to download the Player Score Sheets - each page printed contains 3 sheets.

Tournament Registration

This sheet is for players so sign-in as they arrive. This will help you verify your pre-registered players have arrived, as well as register walk-ins. This sheet is useful in checking your player information is accurate before submitting tournament results to through the NAF website.

Click this link to download the Tournament Registration Sheet.

NAF Registration

New players are typically required to register for the NAF before a tournament. Therefore, some new members will opt to register in-person on tournament day. Your local NAF representative will take the player’s information and register their account online, typically before the end of the day. This sheet will is used for recording the information your NAF representative will need.

Click this link to download the NAF Registration Sheet.