Magnolia Tournament Series


Magnolia Tournament Series 💮

What is the Magnolia Tournament Series?

The Magnolia Tournament Series (MTS) is intended for Mississippi, and surrounding area players, to participate in an ongoing region-wide competition.  The tournament series will tabulate the cumulative results of all qualifying regional tournaments to determine player placements at the end of the year.  The winners will be selected based upon categories which are scored relative to the entire player base – and the overall leaderboards will be published once winners are announced.

How to Qualify

Qualifying for the MTS is easy - the only requirements are to be a member of the NAF, and host a tournament based in Mississippi. Follow the simple pre/post-tournament sequences to ensure your tournament is processed properly as an MTS event.

Pre-Tournament Info

Please complete these steps at least 1 month prior to your tournament date.

Step 1: Ensure your tournament is NAF sanctioned, following the procedures located here.

Step 2: Submit the Pre-Tournament info below.

Step 3: You’re finished for now! Wait to hear from us for approval. We ask that you send a $10 donation for each MTS tournament you host; all proceeds go directly towards MTS prizes and swag. If you supply a logo to us over e-mail exchange, we will add it to the calendar on the tournament page.

Post-Tournament Submission

Now that your tournament is complete, we only need a little more information to wrap everything up!

Step 1: Respond back to us with the tournament results, submitting either a SCORE file (.bbd), or an Excel file (.xlsx or .xlsm) by e-mail.

Step 2: You’re all set!